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Use our Request service and we will let you know how we can help - usually within 24 hours.

In your request, please indicate:

  • the source language and (for translations) the target language(s)
  • the number of key strokes including spaces or the number of words
  • the type of text (technical, legal, advertising, journalism etc.).

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required

I agree to the personal data's treatment

Personal data's treatment policy

In respect of 'Article 13 of law 196/03 we inform you that the information will be collected for the sole purpose of providing the requested service. Such information could be communicated to the staff responsible for this activity and only divulged within the scope of the service rendered. These data can be electronically processed in compliance with applicable laws.

Your personal data will be treated in compliance with the regulations of EU 2016/679 and the obligations of confidentiality therein. No communication or distribution of such data to third parties is in any case carried out for any purpose. The data collected may be rectified or cancelled at any time, upon request made to that effect by interested parties, also through mail to be sent to the E-mail address


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